Monday, March 28, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Justin Bieber vs. Slipknot - Psychosocial Baby

Who knows why this works so well but id does, kinda amazing.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Look what I drew!

Andrew decorated Sam's face, the horns suit you Sam :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cheers Daniel!

Daniel has loved and left the college to go do better and more awesome things with his life. Good luck bud, missing you everyday man. 

The Swiss Hotel School Ladies.

Looking fierce!

Somebody explain what is happening in this picture.

and what did Nonts dip her finger into?

Umami, the fifth taste, is just another name for MSG

Yeah, seriously, it is check this link here.
Then check how amazing this article makes it sound just to sell $2.99 tubes of MSG. People are dumb.

I just really love this picture.

Get Better Soon Annick!

Hope you feeling better and get back to college ASAP

Ha ha ha, women!

Beware Jumping Gay Walrus

I'd also be embarrassed.

Somebody figured out the ending to Inception.

Inception is one of the most ingenious and creative movies of all time. Somebody actually found out the ending to Inception and it's so simple its breathtaking. Careful *SPOILERS*

The beauty of drinking alone.

We all know that we should never drink alone because it means we on the verge of suicide or a full blown alcoholic. Frank Kelly Rich has a different view and he makes some sense. I am not saying we should all spend our Tuesdays drinking alone in our rooms but it is something you should do once or twice a year. You need to know how the monkey inside of you thinks and this is the best way of doing that. Kind of like meditation except you smashed.

The beauty of drinking alone.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Count your blessings.

"Worry, but know that worrying is as useful as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real worries in your life are aptly things that never crossed your worried mind, the kind that blindside you on some idle Tuesday" Baz Lurhman

Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami

Looks like the knocks keep coming. An earthquake, tsunami, nuclear disaster and the stock market was down 20% at opening this morning. On top of all of that the earthquake is causing volcanoes all over the island to erupt. Check the last video of the volcano erupting. Japan is our third largest trading partner so it it going to affect us as well. There is nothing that makes you feel as small and insignificant as the videos after the jump. It is truly horrifying how entire cities got washed away in a few minutes. 

Interactive before and after satellite images of the Japanese coastline.

Tsunami survivor found floating on a roof 15km out at sea

Fear the fear and love the love

Here's a video to brighten up your mood on a Monday.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

except ladies and gentlemen, you are not the boss. so stop talking to the first years like they are your staff. they are students here to learn, just like us. so if you want to boss people around, go home and boss your mom around.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

Hitler will never stop dancing.

This is how I feel about Mondays.

Update on the Libyan Situation.

Just an update on the situation. The country has descended into civil war with the government and its army of mercenaries currently conducting an offensive push to regain the cities it has lost and maintaining it's destructive presence in Tripoli. The UN has placed full spectrum sanctions onto the country and has urged the International Criminal Court to arrest Gaddafi for crimes against humanity. There is quite a lot of info after the jump. Have a look, be informed!

  1. Ahmed Radwan is an Egyptian vascular surgeon working as a volunteer in eastern Libya. In this video sent to Al Jazeera, he describes the kinds of injuries he's been treating in the last few days.

2. Shadi Hamid, of the Brookings Doha Centre, tells Al Jazeera:
Gaddafi has made it unequivocally clear that he is not going to step down. The pro-democracy forces in the east of the country want to move into Tripoli, [but] they don't have the fire power, they don't have the troops.
3. GRAPHIC - NSFL Graphic video has emerged of what appears to be a group of soliders, massacred in Libya. The video was posted to Facebook on Thursday.

It cannot be independently verified but appears to show the bodies of at least 21 men in military clothing, bound and blindfolded.  One seems to still be alive.
The Facebook page says the video was first run on state TV, which identified the dead as soliders, killed by anti-government fighters. 
But the Facebook posting says the men were actually killed by pro-government forces, for refusing to fight.
4.The Network of Free Ulema - Libya, a group of clerics in that country, alleges that pro-Gaddafi forces have been carrying out a "massive kidnapping campaign" in Tripoli, targetting opposition activists ahead of a call for marches in the capital following Friday prayers. 
The statement from the group read:
This is to URGENTLY notify the world and the International Criminal Court in particular, that Gaddafi and his criminal accomplices are currently (March 2nd and 3rd 2011) implementing a massive kidnapping campaign in Tripoli and its vicinities in order to ‘clean up’ key youth leaders before tomorrow’s Friday prayers, and in order to ‘look good’ to the international Media, which has been invited to Tripoli as part of a public relations campaign aimed at covering up the crimes against humanity that have been inflicted upon the brave Libyan people. We call upon and urge every man and woman of good will, worldwide, to do their utmost to save our youth from the hands of Gaddafi, his thugs, and mercenaries."
5. Video detailing Gadaffi's military power.

Star Trek - I'm a Big Chocolate Slut - DJO

HA HA HA this made my day. There is a youtube channel where they redub movie scenes so the words match the facial movements and it made me laugh so hard coffee cam out my nose. SERIOUSLY OUT OF MY NOSE.  

Hero of War - Rise Against

Sober song with some truth about war. The lyrics are really sobering about the full reality of being a soldier. Try listening to the third verse without getting chills. It's sad and beautiful at the same time. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Aaron 'Wheelz' Fotheringham Profile - Wheelchair Action Sports

Good morning everyone,
 I just wanted to share a bit of inspiration with u all by showing u this kid his name is Aaron 'Wheelz' Fotheringham. Just watch and understand that if he can do this then imagine what we could do!!!

Pule catching forty winks.

Sometimes you just can't keep your eyes open, ha ha. We understand plus Pule needs all the beauty sleep he can get. Don't tell Sam I said that.

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Julius malemas birthday

In our current day and age we have all sorts of leaders in our world some great some are average and some commit genocide but we love them all but today we celebrate the birth of a leader not all of us love or even like i cant stand him but happy birthday Julius Malema