Thursday, September 29, 2011

My advice for fellow Africans coming to the U.S.

1. Bring a travel adapter, I searched everywhere literally everywhere and couldn't find one. Apparently it is just us, Israel and India that use the three pronged frustration maker, so buy one in SA rather.

2. The subway is quite easy to understand once you know downtown is towards the bottom and uptown is towards the top on a map. HA HA HA I know it seems obvious but it took me two days to figure this out. Download a subway map onto your phone, use Google maps's transit function or try to easily figure out where you are going.

3. You can walk around - and you won't get shot or mugged or raped - YAY!

4. Don't expect anybody to know a thing about African politics, seriously. I had a lady ask me if the blacks still lived in the Cape Towns? So I said, only the rich ones and she thought I was being racist. Or sports, cricket and rugby really don't matter.

5. Don't shop at the brand stores but find out where the local discount, department or consignment stores are. The clothes are ridiculously cheap and you can find all sorts of designer labels and suits. GO TO CENTURY 21 IF YOU WANT TO SHOP.

6. Walk like you know where you are going or look slightly frustrated/bored when sitting down and you won't get noticed as a Tourist. This obviously means you left your fanny pack at the hotel and don't have a camera round your neck. If you are in town for more than a few days, leave the tours behind and walk, NY is a lot smaller geographically than you think and seeing the landmarks on foot/subway allows you to see things and visit areas you wouldn't get to on a tour.

Waldorf Astoria - Public Spaces Training

So half of my first week of training done and I'm finally off the computer and onto the floor. This morning I started Public Spaces which is familiarizing yourself with all the meeting areas in the hotel. As a South African I am not used to this level of grandness and my mind has been blown.

The Starlight Roof. 

Located on the 18th floor and originally the city's most eminent nightclub the room has a massive glass retractable roof. Used for meetings and private functions now you can just feel the history oozing out the walls of this room.

It's sad that we don't have nightclubs like these anymore. I love a good thumpa thumpa as much as the next person but what happened to putting on your best and going out for a dance. My generation sucks.

The Grand Ballroom
This room was a complete shock I read Grand Ballrooom but not on this scale. It was the first and still is the only four story, balconied (is that a word?) ballroom in New York. Imagining the parties that have gone down in this place sends shivers down my spine. 

The Silver Corridor.
This is my favorite, I don't know why but walking through it by myself with my map and my file, I felt like I wasn't on Earth anymore. If there was a corridor leading to the Pearly Gates this is how I would imagine it would look like.

I'm the luckiest man in the world, the fact that I get to work in a hotel as amazing as this makes all the sacrifices and long hours absolutely worth it. 

I miss my friends!

You crazy crazy people

Tyler Durden, if only you didn't resonate.

Habits of successful people.

I hope I don't come of as arrogant as these are just some views of mine put plainly. I am definitely not saying I have these attributes but what I am saying it that they were the most obvious character traits of successful people and I would like to adopt them as I become a better equipped adult.

What is success?

If you want to know what the habits of successful people you first have to find out what success is. The definition of success is an event that meets its intended purpose. Notice that it isn't a value or attribute of only certain people but a measurable effort on the part of an individual and has two parts. Firstly if you do not know what your intended purpose is then how will you ever know when you have become successful? Secondly an individual has to constantly check if their actions and plans are meeting the criteria they choose are successes and whether their plan of action is working in a way that will help them achieve these successes.

Over the last few days I have researched and scoured the internet for the different means and attributes that apparently lead to success. This has included reading various articles, essays and watching over a 100 motivational speeches and presentations by a variety of different successful individuals.

I have compiled a short list of what I felt where the most common behaviours that ran throughout most of the information I collected and they are as follows.

Attitude refers to the means an individuals deals with different obstacles and achievements. It works on different levels and over a broad spectrum of applicable scenario's. Firstly dealing with obstacles. There are two approaches individuals take when faced with obstacles. Firstly to give in to self-doubt or pity and give up. The second is to understand fully what happened, choose to grieve the situation and choose to move on, even if you are not ready emotionally. The famous quip “fake it till you make it” fits in perfectly with this idea. It is important to realize that you are not hiding away from pain or rationalizing behaviour but facing it, accepting it and choosing to move on.

The second is complacency or over-confidence. These deter from success in undermining what has already been achieved by allowing an individual to decide that they have either done enough or do not need to move further. You need to reward yourself without getting in the trap of thinking that you have now done your best. There is always a next step or opportunity to improve and grow and you constantly have to strive for these.

Acceptance of current conditions.
Far too often individuals assume that events are out of their control. This happens when you limit your world-view so that it only includes you at the centre. If everything is observed with you in mind then the world looks very small, towns just outside your city never become viable markets or barriers are never overcome because you simply feel there is no way around them. There is always a way and there is never anything stopping you from accepting failure, grieving and moving on.

This attribute is the ability to notice all the opportunities available to you. This is an intrinsic skill that people develop over years of hard work but it is also an active process of investigation and understanding. If you never take chances or get to know people intimately you won't be aware of the opportunities they may provide or you may provide them. Get to know what the issues are and solve them, not just for yourself but for others. The more important you are to an individual or organisation the more likely they are to offer you opportunities

Authenticity comes in two packages self-authenticity and social-authenticity. Self authenticity is the ability to know yourself, your ambitions, your likes and dislikes, your strengths and weaknesses and to proudly show those to the world. Never present a version of yourself that is unture as this leads to an inability to deliver and a lack of trust with yourself. It is also the ability to know when your actions are going against your own moral code and the ability to change this behaviour to make you a happier fuller individual. Always take chances but never break promises to yourself. The second is social-authenticity which is the common assumption amongst your peers that you are the individual you claim to be. This allows individuals the ability to trust their own opinions of you but more importantly the opinions others have of you.

Ambition is the vision required to achieve your full potential. You should never assume you cannot complete a task based on self-doubt or the doubt of others. People whether consciously or not will try to limit your ambitions in order to protect you or themselves from the pain of failure. Trust in your own abilities and the drive to take advantage of every opportunity provided to you even if it is not clear how they might benefit you

This is structured dissent of given opinions or attitudes. This is not an excuse to be hard-headed or stubborn but is an ability to understand that all accepted practices are shifting paradigms and humanity is constantly moving towards a better understanding of ourselves and the forces that make a society work. We would never have the technological or ethical progress seen over the last few hundred years if individuals did not have the inner strength to question the beliefs that surrounded them and accomplish what was thought to be impossible. Also recognize that experts are valuable commodities but make mistakes and are only leaders of understanding as it stands today. Up until the 1970's almost all psychiatrists viewed homosexuality as a mental disorder resulting in the destruction and false imprisonment of thousands of individuals. It is now almost universally accepted that homosexuality is a biological construct of evolution that poses absolutely no threat to society but it only became this way because of a handful of individuals that were able to question the moral codes of their times.

This is a tricky attribute because it is more inherent and unchangeable than the others. An individual may control their passions by the situations or careers they place themselves in. An interesting trend I saw when viewing the speeches is that successful people rarely set out to become rich or gain status but work according to a passion that envelops themselves and their lives. The money simply follows.

Leadership is the ability to control and influence groups of individuals to carry out a common goal.
There is a modern misunderstanding of leadership as something that is divinely imposed on a “chosen” individual who then fulfils his role in humanity. Leadership is far from this and is rather a collective effort with you at the head. It is unglamorous, socially difficult to navigate and continuous. Leadership is voluntary and one speaker put it as an uninvited ability to achieve your goals using the social currency available to you at the time.

To be good at something you have to practice, practice and practice. There are no short cuts and no training or education more valuable than experience. You have to work, and be the hardest worker to be taken most seriously.

Focus is the ability to remove all the distractions or obstacles that stand in your way of achieving your prescribed goals. Many people try to do too many things at once and the end result is mediocrity and an overspread of financial, emotional or technical resources that limit an individuals ability to be the best at their chosen goal.

Push, persistence and perseverance.
This is linked with attitude and is the ability to constructively deal with obstacles as they happen. C.R.A.P or criticism, rejection, ass-holes and pressure are all tools that should be used to identify shortcomings and learn from mistakes but should never be taken at face value. They are the largest barriers between you and success as it is extremely easy to believe and accept other interpretations of yourself. The ability to move on from disappointment and failure and try again is the single most common attribute of successful people. You also have to push through shyness and self-doubt to be a confident business person. Shyness will get you absolutely nowhere.

People have come to assume that they should be the purpose of effort in their lives. We are told constantly to not be a doormat or be taken advantage of but this is short-sighted and selfish. When you transform your service to yourself into a service of others you are giving them incentive and reason to look after you and your career. Most people are not selfish or lazy but genuinely appreciate hard work and help. After all Jesus did say that if somebody forces you to walk a mile, walk an extra mile with them. Secondly offering people something of genuine value that fulfils a real world need is the best way to ensure success

Creativity is the ability to form new ideas with value. People get confused by the word creativity when they assume it means novelty without course. Creativity is achieved when you understand a subject or environment so well that your are able to picture the overlapping mechanisms and spot the loopholes. It is also the ability to try new approaches and objectively judge their effectiveness.

Ability to overcome disengagement.
This I added not because it was common but because it struck a chord with me personally. Often we are unaware of the mechanisms we can use to get involved in organisations because they have evolved systems that actively exclude people who are not already part of the process. This is evident in the current political atmosphere of our country where young people are not involved in politics not because they are lazy, selfish or apathetic. We often have extremely passionate political discussions however we are actively disengaged from the political process because we have no idea how the mechanisms work. This problem is two-fold. Firstly we are not aware that it is happening or ambitious enough to find out and secondly we are actively excluded by the process in order for it to be more efficient. Decisions in organizations are easier to make when there are less parties involved. It is up to you to find out how you can contribute in a meaningful way.

Measurement of success.
This is a attribute that is actively taught in schools but in a haphazard and unfulfilling way. Without measuring success, how are you able to determine if what you are doing is creating the opportunities you need to move forward? This is a difficult process because it requires contemplation and an continuous admittance of failure. People do not like to admit failure and many would rather carry on, hoping for the best than changing strategies.

Tom Chatfield, an author and journalist, gave an inspiring speech on how modern video games have essentially created an excellent model of motivation and measurement that propels their uses to spend considerable time, money and effort and how this model can be used in real life applications.
This is how he views how we or organizations should motivate and measure ourselves.

Firstly you need multiple short term and long term goals to break life up into easy defined “quests”. These are flexible and continually changing but need to be numerous and span many different time periods. Each “quest” should then be broken up into continous goals that are measured in regards to a time frame. This allows an individual to measure themselves in continual and small increments that eventually add up to a completed goal. All completed goals should be rewarded with something that is worth working towards. Failure should never be punished unless it was purposeful or malicious. All completed goals should be reviewed as to whether they achieved their desired outcome and changed to better fit the long term “quests.” Lastly and most importantly the element of uncertainty should always be acknowledged. These “quests” are not rigid and an individual should be able to change them at will in order to progress at the desired speed and in the desired direction.

This is the most important to me as I have been struggling to determine the reason why everybody is working so hard and sacrificing so much. Although I still don't know what motivates people or why they do the things they do I can outline what I want to motivate me and change my interpretation of it. Firstly and this is something that was evident during the talks is money should never be a motivating factor in a persons life, comfort maybe but money never. Money is limitless and unrewarding so you will just end up working towards a goal that moves further and further away from you leaving you disillusioned and unhappy. My motivation will be firstly happiness and secondly to work and collaborate with as many people as I can to fulfil my life goals as I set them. My motivation will therefore be experience. I would like to experience as much as possible and learn as much from these experiences as I can in my short existence.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Truth about Google and Facebook.

I watched a TED video recently, and the speaker explained how the idea that the web has removed the role of "editors" that limit our access to news is an illusion. Traditional editors have just been replaced with algorithmic preference calculators that show you what fits best "statistically." The web is no longer an open realm and it's sad.


Organic Food

Some people live by it, most don't actually give a shit. Some experts disagree that Organic food is better than regular food. Here is my stupid perspective, the bottom fell out. Cows used to be cows. It didn't matter if there were two running around a Swedish hillside or 600 crammed into a muddy lot. They got fed cow food , the unhealthy ones died and the fat ones were delicious. The recipe for bread was pretty similar all over the world: flour, yeast and water with other stuff lying around. Then we got clever - our cows became super steroid cows and our bread lasted for two weeks in the sun.

I don't see anything wrong with mass production, we have to feed the masses somehow but lets stop throwing things that you can't find down by the river onto everything we eat. Produce as much as you naturally can then stop. I saw a packet of sweet potatoes labelled "organic shaped", sigh.

An ostrich on ski's

I've never wanted anything to be more real in my entire life! 

Unfortunately it isn't, sometimes there are downsides to having all the answers at your finger tips. Seriously you ruined my entire day. Reminds me of the first time I learnt how to ski, was in china, just outside Beijing. My instructor couldn't speak a word of English except one phrase " Remember, your family is snow." over and over and I was so sore from falling down all day I used it as my mantra crying myself to sleep that night.

American Museum of Natural History

This is so stupid, what happens when I'm by myself.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Things I'm gonna miss about South Africa

So my tickets are booked and nervous anxiety has set in. I fly on Thursday Night and won't be back for 13 Months. Of course I am so excited that I'll be living in the big apple but I'm gonna miss the rotten one we have here.

1. Camping - We would go camping once every two months, basically just an excuse to go be naughty in nature somewhere. Game drives, farm dam swims, wildlife, and drunken arguments around a dying camp fire. Au Revoir!

2. Knowing somebody anywhere you go - Lets face it JHB is a small town and being able to walk into old acquaintances practically anywhere is the one thing I love most about this town.

3. London Pie - Especially after a long night out, sitting at the garage in a stupor dribbling pepper sauce down my chin.

4. My family and friends - We've spent the last two years eating around the same table almost everyday and then carrying on down at RES or scrooges or Paddy's. R10 draughts at Paddy's. Why must I leave you? Specifically Tim, Candice, Daniel, Bianca, Jess, Andrew and Max - you guys make my life.

5. Braai's that turn into parties that turn into breakfasts - Seriously how many times has a small gathering turned into a thumpa thumpa? It's just a year but I don't want you people having fun without me.

6. Complete and utter political nonsense - Maybe I shouldn't be nostalgic about how crazy and retarded our politicians can be but it's my country and I'm going to miss sitting around whining over the latest meltdown.

7. Castle, draughts and pub quizzes - Apparently the U.S.A drinks more beer than we do but they obviously drinking the wrong beer.

8. Fighting over shortcuts - at this stage everyone I know feels like they know the JHB roads better than everyone else - you don't I do, take oxford, duh!

9. Steers, nando's and good cheap food - Everybody who has been overseas will tell you that South Africans eat better than everybody else. Our chickens look like chickens and our cows come from down the road.

10. Thunderstorms - When it is suddenly pitch black outside and it goes deathly quiet. You can smell a good storm before it breaks and then mother nature puts on a light show before drawing back and allowing you to carry on swimming.

My car burnt down :(

So here is an abbreviated version of the story. We parked the car and it caught on fire. Panic ensued!

HA HA HA the ways and means this car has tried to kill me, seems she cut her nose to spite her face though. Good Riddance. You can see the rest of the pics - Here!