If anybody read my old blog compared to my new blog I am a lot more personally preserved. I have tried to keep my personal emotions out this blog as much as possible. It's not working so screw that idea.
A lot of people criticize my generation as the open diary children who prefer to have the lives critiqued by strangers than keep it to themselves but hells to the yea, I love the idea. We spent the last 170 000 years keeping stuff to ourselves, lets try something different.
My physical state:
I have done better than I was expecting and have easily kept up to three meals a day but that is going to change over the foreseeable future, with reduced income because of my shift changes and the fact that I had to pay the security deposit on my room I have little money left. This is exciting because for the first time in my life I am actually concerned about getting enough food to carry on daily tasks. It is a challenge but one that I can easily overcome, between eating extra large at work and scoring a ration here and there from my roommates I will be fine. I have yet to sign up to a gym and will do so tomorrow as a result I haven't gained weight - I have lost it - but have lost definition and generally just feel like a lazy bum.
I've been extremely lucky to find such a great set of roommates. They have been supportive and allowed me to transition easily into my new transient lifestyle. I have also met some amazing people in my few adventures on the street especially Anne and Austin who made this weekend one of the best in my recent history. My fellows at work have been accepting and more than willing to help me, even going further than the eyes of the supervisors and moved me in the right direction. I have started feeling homesick. I miss the communication I had daily with my friends. I miss having somebody around all the time. My mother will tell you how my house was sometimes a terminal with people moving in and out but now I am completely alone. I miss having histories with people. I am the new guy to everybody and it is still early days but it is hard. But you know what
I FUCKING LOVE IT, everyday I am learning from the best in one of the best hotels in one of the best cities in the world and sucks to be sad but I am not.
A lot of people criticize my generation as the open diary children who prefer to have the lives critiqued by strangers than keep it to themselves but hells to the yea, I love the idea. We spent the last 170 000 years keeping stuff to ourselves, lets try something different.
The view of the new World Trade Financial Center from my street.
My physical state:
I have done better than I was expecting and have easily kept up to three meals a day but that is going to change over the foreseeable future, with reduced income because of my shift changes and the fact that I had to pay the security deposit on my room I have little money left. This is exciting because for the first time in my life I am actually concerned about getting enough food to carry on daily tasks. It is a challenge but one that I can easily overcome, between eating extra large at work and scoring a ration here and there from my roommates I will be fine. I have yet to sign up to a gym and will do so tomorrow as a result I haven't gained weight - I have lost it - but have lost definition and generally just feel like a lazy bum.
The view of the Brooklyn Bridge from my balcony.
My emotional state.I've been extremely lucky to find such a great set of roommates. They have been supportive and allowed me to transition easily into my new transient lifestyle. I have also met some amazing people in my few adventures on the street especially Anne and Austin who made this weekend one of the best in my recent history. My fellows at work have been accepting and more than willing to help me, even going further than the eyes of the supervisors and moved me in the right direction. I have started feeling homesick. I miss the communication I had daily with my friends. I miss having somebody around all the time. My mother will tell you how my house was sometimes a terminal with people moving in and out but now I am completely alone. I miss having histories with people. I am the new guy to everybody and it is still early days but it is hard. But you know what
I FUCKING LOVE IT, everyday I am learning from the best in one of the best hotels in one of the best cities in the world and sucks to be sad but I am not.