Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The next 5 big things I want to do with my life.

So, I have started writing this post probably a dozen times and either just shut the computer off or deleted it right before publishing. I guess I have been in a funk lately. A lazy, self indulgent - happy to be depressed - sort of funk. It has sort of been a vacation from all the stress that was moving to New York. First there was the uncertainty if it was ever going to happen and then there was my own doubt that I wouldn't be able to pull it off. Once I arrived I was terrified that everybody would figure out how much of it I was just winging and how I was pretending to know what I was doing.

My first few weeks of work summed up in a cake

Finally, at last, I can take a breath. The realization that I am here and not going anywhere for a while and have settled in and now just have to worry about day to day things has been long overdue. Now I am celebrating with some anti-climactic couch potato-ing, just for a bit.

The five big things I want to do with my life next:

1. Start a secret society.

I have been obsessing over this for almost two years now. It all started when I read a book called Gold, Diamonds and War describing the early years of colonial Souith Africa and how a handful of men dominated almost every political and economic decision for decades. I then started noticing how in almost all spheres of life there are a handful of individuals running the show. There is the famous 80-20 rule which states that 80% of outputs is always generated by 20% of the input. 80% of revenue comes from 20% of your clients etc. I was then wondering how I get to be one of those handful of men? Do I have to work extremely hard and hope to get noticed and get invited? Will I have to masturbate in a coffin or eat a live pigeon to prove my loyalty? What happens if I just start my own one?

What if as a group we could use all that hard work for something a little extra. Use each other in a symbiotic way to increase our chances of achieving what we deem as successful. I know people that will end up being some pretty powerful people. I also know we can fast track the whole process if we worked together from the beginning in a concerted effort. So why the hell not? I ask that question a lot?

Then there is this quote that has always struck a chord with me.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
  --  Margaret Mead 

A secret society for me is a way of insuring social and career growth through the mutual benefit of like minded individuals striving to help eachother acheive their life goals. So you know who you are and you can be expecting a formal inviation soon. I'm thinking of calling it. We are Ladies. We are Gentleman.

2. Taking a significant amount of time to do something truly adventurous. Like driving from Cairo to Capetown. Or riding the silk route on a scooter.

or winning all five gym badges.

Now put up a crazy tree and this idea would be the cardboard angel sitting proudly on the top. Now I know you are thinking, oh Justin, you and your ideas! This is silly! That's so cute! Fuck you. I am being serious and after discussing it with some very close friends of mine and initial research the only thing standing in our way is sponsorship and cajones. By cajones I mean balls and by that I mean bravery. Individually if we are able to put together the details that are involved, we will prove not only how far we have come as adults in our mad dash out of the collegial gates but the incessant fear that I will somehow lose out on my wonder years sits with me daily and I will not let any opportunities go to waste.

3. Attempt to host a travel TV show

Now this goes hand in hand with the previous idea and the fact that the group of people I have been discussing this with, all happen to have the exact qualifications that would make a small production team not only possible but the only relevant thing we could all do with our subsequent skill sets. Throw in the fact that between us, we all have an innate ability to entertain and an arrogant predisposition of sharing all of our thoughts with the world, we are perfect candidates. History favours the bold and I want to be the boldest.

4. Start an Events management company.

Before I left South Africa, two of my best friends and I had a small and successful events management company that had grown out of us being hired as private chefs and then being really good at it. We had lined up two weddings and our first corporate when I got the go ahead to come to the states and we decided to put the idea on hold till I got back. I am saving as much money as possible so that as soon as I get back we can dust off the old recipe books and start all over again. The best part about the whole thing is that it does not have to be my day job and we can still work during the days. The whole time we were working on the past functions we were at college full time. Hopefully if it grows important enough we can start focussing on it full time.

5. Work with my friends.

Up until this point in my life I have done my fair share of hard work. Now I have never worked for years but I have worked extremely long hours doing extremely mundane things and think I have a firm grasp of exactly what the working world looks like. With the small events company we had last year I learnt two extremely valuable lessons. Working for yourself is awesome, working with your friends is just as awesome. Now there are doubts over money and friends and I can understand why it doesn't work out. However after a 15 hour day and you can finally sit back and have a sip of beer and your best friend is in exactly the same head space as you is a truly magical feeling. Every second that feels like a lifetime is worth it because you are doing it for each other and yourself.

Yes, I wanna heavily invest my future success in you people.