Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The 5 things: Life have has taught me.

I haven't posted in a week which in internet time makes my last post a message from the dark ages with as much meaning as a Cosmo article from 2002. Seriously just stop reading that crap.

I will post, about the bars and museums I have been to lately, tomorrow. I admit that I lagged this week, returning to the familiar instead of pushing into the unknown. With 10 000 restaurants in NYC alone, it all feels like I am shining a torch into the grand canyon and explaining how beautiful the view is, but give me a break.

The top 5 things life has taught me. 

5. Be the best friend you can be.

Luckily High school was pretty awful for me. I am not being judgmental about the people who had it easy in high school at all. Who knows what shapes their lives and decisions? I certainly do not. I however did not have that many friends in high school. Sure, I was friendly with a lot of people, the same way I am friendly with the waiter at Mc Donald's or my accounting lecturer. A smile and small talk is not friendship, it's common courtesy. My friendships lacked depth and because of that I was able to see the people who were bargaining their time and the people who simply wanted to spend time with me.

Beyond that I learnt that forming judgments of people certainly gets you absolutely nowhere. I can imagine what kind of image you would form of me, if you only had my friends to base my existence on, but I can promise that I am not the person they would have you think I am.

The lesson to learn here is don't be friends with someone because of what they can offer you socially and don't not be friends with someone based on the voices around you. People are stupid, even when they mean well and are looking after your best interest, they are still stupid.

Be friends with the people who don't demand anything from you except time. The kind where you know it doesn't matter if you don't speak for a month because their kid will still punch your kid in the face at some point in time.

4. Don't listen to authority figures.

This and this and this. I have been dissapointed more times, by people who should no better, than I want to count. I had a psychologist tell me once that my view on life is far too positive to be natural and that I was being delusional. A few weeks later I moved to New York fulfilling a dream many had told me was out of my reach and simply impractical.

Firstly I think the misunderstanding is generational and I have spoke about this to a fair number of people who disagree with me but I am choosing to stick to my guns. As the forefront of the Google generation we often went to the internet for answers long before we asked authority figures about their ideas. Secondly what the internet had to say was often so different, I actually became defensive to old age advice. The way I see it: our parents and grand parents are the two generations that shaped the world between now and WW2 and now although we progressed monumentally, the progress has been misshapen and twisted, serving very specific ideoligies and beliefs. Thank you, but for the fist time in history we have an entire generation thinking globally instead of nationally, even racially, and it is our turn to run with the baton.

Lastly and controversially, it was not my generation that was running the show and voting in the elections that got us in to the current mess of global finance and politics and - sorry to say it- it will be us that gets us out of it .

"Be careful of whose advice you buy but be patient with those that supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of dishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it is worth" Baz Lurhman - Wear sunscreen

3. Make out with as many people as possible. 

Ha ha ha ha ha but yes. My meaning for this point is to have as much fum as you can without breaking your own moral code and being disgusting. We are so often told that pure enjoyment is useless and not worth it. It has gotten to the point where you need a reason to drink at a bar other than you are at a bar. Listen here world, I can still be the best employee, I can still jump onto the bar, take my shirt off and laugh so hard I tear the corners of my lips, on my day off. For fudge sake, we are men and women in every aspect of our lives lets behave like men and women when we are having fun.

2. Drinking makes things easier.

Tongue in cheek and business orientated. Being able to control your drink makes you a social genius. Business deals if conducted properly happen over a drink with a person who has no option but to now be your friend. Colleagues will appreciate you so much more if you got just as drunk as them at the Halloween function and were still the most entertaining. It is't about getting drunk, it is about getting appropriately dunk so that you can have fun and the people around you will feel comfortable. Say my friend has four beers, being completely sober and being completely smashed will have the same affect. Just meet them where it feels right and you will be fine. Nobody ever said social navigation was easy, people keep complaining how hard it is, learn this!

1. Work as hard as possible 

The rest is all semantics, the best and easiest honest way to move forward in the world is to be the hardest working individual you know. Sucks to be a woman, awesome to be a man, I know. In all truth it is the only way you want and should be recognized. I had a geography teacher tell me that I should work smart, not hard. Screw that, I will work smarter and harder than everybody else to ensure I have the future I envisage for myself and if I fall down I will pick myself up and make up for lost time.

The secret to working the hardest is easy. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE and some more PRACTICE. More practice than anyone can believe! Managers will go to you first to solve problems and so will your colleagues. Ernie Ese said , "the harder I practice the luckier I get." There is no way around this little fact of life but it is the one that will get you furthest.

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