Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The super computer that is going to take over the world and his name is Watson.

Ha ha ha, holy guacamole, this is about the most insane thing I've seen in my life. IBM have created a super computer that responds to questions asked by people using only their voices. No keyboards or spreadsheets or search boxes. You just ask it a question and it gives you an answer. This is exactly the situation depicted in movies where the captain of a spaceship is all "Computer, what is my wife up too?" and the computer responds "some guy named Carl." 

To prove how amazing this new technology is they stuck "Watson" on the American game show Jeopardy where it completely obliterated the competition. The scariest part is the man on the left of Watson is the most successful player in the history of the show and Watson makes him look like a doos.

The future is here and it's kinda of creeping me the fuck out.

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